Westcombe Field Archers
Welcome to the Westcombe Field Archers Website
The WFA is an NFAS affiliated Field Archery Club supporting all NFAS shoot styles.
Set in beautiful woods near Taunton, Somerset, the Westcombe Field Archery Club has been in existence since the 1990’s, and is non-profit, run by a committee of its members.
Members are able to shoot at the club weekly all year round. NFAS members are also welcome to visit, see Opens Shoots & Visiting .
As a club we run club fun shoots as well as a number of NFAS open shoots. We regularly provide a course as part of the South West Challenge.
We are currently taking on new and experienced archers as members.
We run beginner training courses over the summer months.
2025-2026 Membership: The new WFA membership year is about to start 1st April 2025. We welcome renewals, re-joins and new members [experienced and new archers]. Requests for training and membership can be made to the club. Details on the Joining Us page.
2025 shoots: We will only be running 1 open shoot this year on October 5th as the woods need to go through woodlands management early in the year. Entry form is now on the Downloads page.
Our landlord will carry out woodlands management spring-thru-summer and we are unsure of what part of the woods will be available when. Therefore, for access, safety and "art of the possible in the timeframe remaining course laying" reasons we will not be having our traditional spring shoot.
Our club will remain open [visitors welcome on request] but with reduced access and targets [and increased work parties!!!!].
The positive angle is this will allow us to set a brand new course for October probably going back into parts of the woods we have not been in for a few years. Hope to see people then.
September 2024 shoot: Shoot completed, thank you to all those that attended either as participants or club volunteers. The shoot report and results can now be found on our Completed Shoots page.
Access to Woods: We are now back to just our original woods. We no longer have access to the woods across the road. Some of you liked the terrain but others will be thrilled the challenge is flatter from now.
Training Courses: Have been extended until end of September and good weather following into October due to the high interest from people wishing to train and join.
This Years Open Shoots
28th April 2024 [Completed]
8th September 2024
See the Open Shoots & Visiting Page for more information.
Next year we are looking at doing 2 shoots in April and October.
Joining The Club And Field Archery Training Courses
We do not do "Have a go days" or support "Corporate Days Out", but we are always looking to take on new members.
We run field archery training courses during the summer for those who are new to archery or are looking for a refresher. Contact us at anytime through the year to get on the waiting list.
We take on experienced new members all year round newbies during summer months in line with the training schedule.
If you are interested in joining the club or take our training course go to our Joining Us page.
Contact Us
You can email us at westcombefieldarchers@gmail.com
Our postal address and phone number is available to NFAS members from the NFAS contacts page.
Facebook: Non-Members Group